Welcome to Rotherham KeyChoices.
KeyChoices is Rotherham Council's Choice Based Lettings (CBL) scheme. We advertise Council and Housing Association properties. All available properties are now advertised on a daily basis and if you are eligible and qualify to join Rotherham Council’s Housing Register you can express an interest in properties.
Each advertising cycle runs for a seven day period giving you the chance to bid on up to three properties each week. You can place your bids through this website, via the mobile website or by calling our contact centre on 01709 336009. If you need help or you are unable to place bids yourself, we can do this on your behalf using our 'Autobid' service. If you don't have access to a computer you can use a local library to log on and view what properties are available.
If you are an existing Council Tenant take advantage of the HomeSwapper service, it's free for all Rotherham Council Tenants see more
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